From the yards of Portsmouth New Hampshire in August of 1979 through August of 1985 in Charleston\Kings Bay, I served aboard the Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) Nuclear Submarine the "USS Benjamin Franklin", ships hull number SSBN 640. I was an FTB2/ss (Fire Control Technician Ballistic Second Class / Submarine Service Qualified).
In my opinion, submarine duty is the best in the navy. That said, I also feel that being aboard a Boomer (missile carrying sub, as opposed to the Fast Attack Hunter\Killers) is the best duty aboard subs. Taking this the final step, an FTB has to be the best rate aboard.
As one of only 6, standing watch in a locked, carpeted and air-conditioned room. We certainly had it made. Music set to operate via micro-switches and relay's, computer games and the best war games ever devised by the U.S. Military.
I have finally scanned and uploaded all my photographs. If anyone out there has any photos that they wish to contribute, please send me an EMAIL with the scanned photos and I'll place them on my photos page with a reference to your contribution.
My Tattoo